Connect Spinnaker to Jenkins

Use the Armory Operator to configure Spinnaker to access to your Jenkins instance.

Consult the Spinnaker documentation’s Jenkins page for an in-depth guide.

Enable Jenkins in Spinnaker

Add the following snippet to your SpinnakerService manifest:

apiVersion: kind: SpinnakerService metadata: name: spinnaker spec: spinnakerConfig: config: ci: jenkins: enabled: true

Create a User API Token in Jenkins

Spinnaker uses your Jenkins username and API token for authentication.

  1. Log into Jenkins
  2. Click on your username (in the top right)
  3. Click on “Configure” (on the left)
  4. Under the “API Token” section, click on “Add new Token”, and “Generate” and record the generated token
  5. Record your username; this is the value in the current page URL between ‘user’ and ‘configure’ (http:///user//configure)

Add a Jenkins Master

You can add as many Jenkins masters as needed. Once the master is configured properly, Spinnaker will use the credentials provided to query for all available jobs and display them in the UI for triggers and stages.

Add the Jenkins master to Spinnaker:

Add the following snippet to your SpinnakerService manifest:

apiVersion: kind: SpinnakerService metadata: name: spinnaker spec: spinnakerConfig: config: ci: jenkins: enabled: true masters: - name: <jenkins-master-name> address: https://<jenkins-url>/ # The address your jenkins master is reachable at. username: <jenkins-username> # The username of the jenkins user to authenticate as. password: abc # The password of the jenkins user to authenticate as. This field support "encrypted" secret references.

Don’t forget to apply your changes:

kubectl -n >spinnaker namespace> apply -f <SpinnakerService manifest>

Troubleshooting Authentication / Connectivity

Igor is the service that interacts with Jenkins. You can test Spinnaker-Jenkins connectivity using curl from another pod. The Deck or Clouddriver pod is a good option since curl is already installed there.

curl https://<jenkins-url>/api/json --user <jenkins-username>:<jenkins-api-token>

This returns a JSON list of jobs.

For example:

# Exec into the Clouddriver container: kubectl exec -it spin-clouddriver-6cf45f4db-lkg7t bash bash-4.4$ curl --user justin:1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx {"_class":"hudson.model.Hudson","assignedLabels":[{"name":"master"}], [...] }

Last modified December 9, 2022: (77a2e500)